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Friday, October 11, 2019

Men are violent by nature Essay

In the essay â€Å"Men – It’s In Their Nature,† Hoff Sommers states that although the â€Å"radical masculinity† should be addressed and civilized, it should not be eliminated because it is something natural and without it men would not be able to protect women and society. She argues that trying to make boys behave like girls does a disservice to boys’ natural talent. As Hoff Sommers claims, it is more of †Ã¢â‚¬ Ã¢â‚¬ Ã¢â‚¬Å"men’s nature†Ã¢â‚¬ Ã¢â‚¬ Ã¢â‚¬  and what society has to do is to civilize and handle the natural masculinity in men. There are strong influences in society, including media, school, and culture that overwhelmingly define aggressive male behavior. While these are undeniable physical properties, even from birth, gender roles are defined for children. Men must abandon notion they are violent by nature I remember my dad telling me about a woman he met this past summer in a small farming community who told hi m her husband beat her every few weeks. We’re surrounded by violence. Kids will see hundreds of violent deaths on television. Children will see other kids get spanked by their parents and learn that violence and love go hand-to-hand. Children The behavior is influenced by the massagers about gender that kids get from their parents, friends, teachers, and the media. Many parents, teachers, and gender reform have not been successful in rooting out male behavior they regard as harmful. For example, an â€Å"equity facilitator† tried to persuade a group of nine-year-old boys in a Baltimore public school to accept the idea of playing with baby dolls. According to one observer, â€Å"Their reaction was so hostile; the teacher had trouble keeping order (Sommers 366).† Sommers’ present’ research that asserts that the nature of men is a matter of biology, not conditioning, and schools should stop attempting to change natural gender roles in society. Biology is a factor in some aspects of male and female behavior, but the education of gender roles is society is constantly broadcast from parents, television, and teachers. Behavior adapts to the prevailing culture, not necessarily to biological ho rmones. â€Å"A Scientific American reviewed the growing evidence that children’s play preferences are, in large part, hormonally determined (Sommers 367).† Scientific date is no longer relevant; it is the culture of a particular society that is the major influence. Because all individual must exist within different societies, much of the behavior is engineered from laws, religion, and culture. If there was a law the demanded that man stay home and women work, then the behavior would respond that law and not to the biological nature of an individual’s sex. â€Å"We have a set of proven social practices for raising young men. The traditional approach is through character education to develop a young man’s sense of honor and help him become a considerate, conscientious human being (Sommers 367).† Yes, there are social practices in society, home, school, that encourage men to be dominant. In Saudi Arabia, Men are entitled to divorce without explanation simply by registering a statement to the court and repeating it three times. By contrast, most women lack the right to divorce. Sommers also discusses, â€Å"the efforts to feminize them with dolls, quilts, non-competitive games, girl-centered books, and feelings exercises will fail; though they will succeed in making millions of boys quite unhappy(Sommers 368).† There is no original or primary gender a drag imitates, but gender is a kind of such as those that encourage men who rape women to marry their victims. I don’t feel we should be trying to redirect their interests or feminize them to accomplish this, instead teach them how to use what comes natural to them for the greater good. Men have helped to get us this far through their competitive drive, risk taking, and sometimes their aggression. Sommers present scientific data that support the hardwired characteristics of men and women. The scientific data is valid, but in everyday life men and women are expected by society, to conform to tradition roles for men and women. There are many instances where there is a behavior that is hardwired from biology, but behaviors are still learned. A man may open a door for a woman because he was told that’s how you treat a woman. Sommers may have valid points about natural gender role, but she forgot the fact that behavior can never be learned from just science.

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